Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Yes, I admit it. I've been missing in action, but even I didn't realize it's been this long. So sorry. However, the important part of M.I.A is the A = action. So, though I've been missing from this blog, I have been doing things. In fact, I maybe doing a little too much, making me ineffective at what I should be communicating with you. Did I say sorry? Well, the truth is Michelle & I have been working hard on the Joe Bryant documentary: Impassioned. There's light at the end of the tunnel though, almost there. We have a couple of proposed finish lines, but we'll probably shoot for the later one so as not to rush the final product. More on that as we get closer.

I was also elected to the board of directors of FAITH = Finding All Individual Talents Hidden, last Fall. It's a brand new organization focused on after school learning for kids with Autism. It is the dream of my very gifted niece, Tiffany Andrews. I am very proud of her and to be a part of this wonderful program; but it is a lot of work getting a new organization off the ground.

I've also been spending a lot of time working with Electro-Funk. Man, the band sounds good! Okay, that may be a biased opinion, but I am really proud of their growth. Hoping more people will get a chance to hear and dance to our music in the very near future. Check out our revised Reverberation page.

I added new audio play widgets to the Duane M. Carter Projects page for all the bands as well. Go there to listen to some of the samples.

Of course, amongst all of this I squeeze in some time to write, both words and music. I even had the opportunity to publish both in a wonderful digital creative journal, Soul by Southwest, and participate in their release party back in May. It was a beautifully creative evening, and I am so thankful to be a part of this publication.

Anyway, I'll try to communicate a bit more frequently over the remaining months in this year.

Let me know your thoughts, follow me on my social media pages!


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Beginnings

I like the idea of cycles, such as the beginning of a new year. The new year affords the opportunity to reflect upon past accomplishments and failures, and start afresh with a clean slate. Though I dislike setting myself up for failure with those impossible resolutions, I do think setting goals for yourself is healthy. They give you something shoot for. I have a ton of goals for the year. Of course, I hope I can attain each and every one. Wish me the best, and I wish you the best on yours as well. But remember should either of us fall short, there is always another cycle just around the corner.
