Thursday, June 18, 2015

Q & A

"I'd say the real story is that things happen to us for a reason. There are no coincidences. One of my poems speak of finding love across time and space. I believe this book has the same underlying premise. I find it amazing how people encounter one another, even if it's just a momentary glance where eyes meet in the acknowledgement of another's existence, at a particular point in time and in a particular space..."

Check out the rest of the interview for No Promises here.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

New E-book Published!

Okay dear friends, here's the e-xciting news I was hoping to share with you. My new novel, No Promises, is now an e-book! You can click here for a free sample. I hope you like it. If you do, and you feel so inclined, go ahead and downloaded the full book to your favorite device from the same page. And, I just got word that it has just been picked up by a few of the other popular e-book retailers that you probably already use. E-njoy!
