Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Always a Saint

I was blessed to be a member of a phenomenal group of musicians during my formative years, led and guided by some exceptionally visionary teachers. This weekend we will be gathering to rename the Locke High School band building in honor those teachers: Donald Dustin, Frank Harris, and Reggie Andrews. In doing so, I will join the bandstand with an illustrious list of alumni, to include: Patrice Rushen, Leon "Ndugu" Chancler, Fritz Wise, Daniel Le'Melle, Tyrese Gibson, Raymond Pounds, Gerald Albright, Gary Bias, Charles Mims, Danny Cortez, and many more sung & unsung greats from this South Central Los Angeles bed of talent. It is indeed an honor to have once been and to always be a Saint.

~Once a Saint, always a Saint~


Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I came out of the house this morning to be greeted by an undeniable change in the temperature. Unfortunately, I'm not in a place with the dramatic and gorgeous turning of the leaves, but Fall is making its presence known nonetheless. So with that, I felt it fitting to post my poem, Autumn, on the writer side of my website. Hope you enjoy it.


Friday, October 2, 2015

The Wait is Over

If you're an Amazon shopper like so many of us are, I totally understand. Convenience can be so simplifying. That said, if you've been waiting for my ebook, No Promises to come to Amazon, then wait no more. The official Kindle version is here. On that note, you can find it through Barnes & Noble for the Nook, iBook for your tablet & computer, and of course Smashwords for every format. Enjoy.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Q & A

"I'd say the real story is that things happen to us for a reason. There are no coincidences. One of my poems speak of finding love across time and space. I believe this book has the same underlying premise. I find it amazing how people encounter one another, even if it's just a momentary glance where eyes meet in the acknowledgement of another's existence, at a particular point in time and in a particular space..."

Check out the rest of the interview for No Promises here.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

New E-book Published!

Okay dear friends, here's the e-xciting news I was hoping to share with you. My new novel, No Promises, is now an e-book! You can click here for a free sample. I hope you like it. If you do, and you feel so inclined, go ahead and downloaded the full book to your favorite device from the same page. And, I just got word that it has just been picked up by a few of the other popular e-book retailers that you probably already use. E-njoy!


Saturday, May 30, 2015


Our documentary project, Impassioned, has moved into the post-production phase. We've now begun the process of reviewing hours of footage and audio before we start scripting and editing. I'm so excited!

Speaking of exciting, I will have some very E-xciting news to share with you in my next post. So be sure and check back soon. No, really, soon. I promise, you won't be waiting 3 months for my next post. It's always great when I have something new to share with you.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Road Trip

My wife, filmmaker Michelle Carter, myself, and Austin Jazz Alliance chairman Fito Kahn are on a whirlwind tour of Oklahoma filming for Impassioned, the documentary we are working on. Getting ready to head back if we can brave the snowy roads: